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如何在网格单元(Ext JS)上覆盖 x-grid-cell-inner CSS?

[英]How to override x-grid-cell-inner CSS on the grid cells (Ext JS)?

I am trying to override the inner-cell white-space property in a grid.我正在尝试覆盖网格中的内部单元格空白属性。 Setting cls: 'custom-grid' does not change the styling.设置 cls: 'custom-grid' 不会改变样式。 Please help.请帮忙。 My CSS file:我的 CSS 文件:

div.custom-grid div.x-grid-cell-inner {
  white-space: normal; /* changed from nowrap */


    Ext.define('My.Panel', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    cls:'custom-grid' //tried this didn't work
    loadMask: false,    
    scrollable: true,    
    frame: true,

    initComponent: function () {
        let me = this;
        let store = 'base.store.notes'; 
        me.store = store;
        me.columns = [
            {header:Text.Shoppers, width: 100, dataIndex: 'shoppers'},
            {header:Text.Id, width: 100,  dataIndex: 'val'},

The first div is wrong.第一个 div 是错误的。 It should look like this:它应该是这样的:

.custom-grid div.x-grid-cell-inner {
  white-space: normal; /* changed from nowrap */

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