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如何在不使用睡眠的情况下闪烁 LED?

[英]how to blink a LED without using a sleep?

I am using motion sensor when the motion sensor is detected I wan to turn ON the LED and buzzer at the same time.当检测到运动传感器时,我正在使用运动传感器 我想同时打开 LED 和蜂鸣器。 The buzzer which I am using is a passive buzzer.我使用的蜂鸣器是无源蜂鸣器。 How can I Turn ON LED and buzzer at the same time when motion sensor detect without using sleep().如何在不使用 sleep() 的情况下在运动传感器检测到时同时打开 LED 和蜂鸣器。

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep

GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.OUT) # LED PIN
GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.OUT) # buzzer PIN

def TURN_ON():          
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH)
    GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.HIGH)
    print("LED ON and BUZZER ON")    
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.LOW)
    print("LED OFF and BUZZER OFF")

I'm not sure if your environment supports threading, but it probably does.我不确定您的环境是否支持线程,但它可能支持。

This article is a great introduction to threading in python .这篇文章是python 中对线程的一个很好的介绍

Here is a really quick and dirty example of what you are trying to do:这是您正在尝试做的一个非常快速和肮脏的例子:

def led_on():
    GPIO.output(17, GPIO.HIGH)

def buzz_on():
    GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.HIGH)

def delay():

def main():
    led_thread = threading.Thread(target=led_on)
    buzz_thread = theading.Thread(target=buzz_on)
    delay_thread = threading.Threading(target=delay)

    all_threads = [led_thread, buzz_thread, delay_thread]

    for thread in all_threads:

    # at this point, all three functions will be running parallel

    for thread in all_threads:

    # at this point, we have waited for all three threads to complete
    # the sleep 5 should be the longest running one

The above is a very simplistic example of how to accomplish your question.以上是如何完成您的问题的一个非常简单的示例。 There are many ways it can be improved.有很多方法可以改进它。 For instance, you can pass parameters/args to the thread constructor and those could be used to set the pin # (avoiding the need for two functions for _on).例如,您可以将参数/args 传递给线程构造函数,这些可用于设置引脚 #(避免 _on 需要两个函数)。

This should put you on the right track.这应该让你走上正轨。

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