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Jest toHaveBeenCalled 无法观看被调用的方法

[英]Jest toHaveBeenCalled is not able to watch the called method

I am writing unit tests for an Angular application.我正在为 Angular 应用程序编写单元测试。 The method I am trying to test is as follows:我尝试测试的方法如下:

onUrlEntry() {
    const fileUrl = this.componentForm.get('fileUrl');
    if(fileUrl?.value) {
      .subscribe((metadataFileContent) => {
        // ...
      }, (err: HttpErrorResponse) => {
        // ...

In the spec file, I have created a stub for the fetchURLService > getMetadataFromUrl method:在规范文件中,我为 fetchURLService > getMetadataFromUrl 方法创建了一个存根:

class URLServiceStub {
  getMetadataFromUrl(url: string) {
    return undefined;

I am providing this class inside of TestBed:我在 TestBed 中提供这个 class:

providers: [
{ provide: URLService, useClass: URLServiceStub },

Here's the Service:这是服务:

  providedIn: 'root',
export class URLService{
  constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}

  getMetadataFromUrl(url: string) {
    return this.httpClient.get(url, { responseType: 'text' });

Now for the unit test:现在进行单元测试:

it('should call getMetadataFromUrl()', fakeAsync(() => {
      const mockMetadataFromUrl = 'testMetaData';

      const getMetadataFromUrlSpy = jest
        .spyOn(URLService , 'getMetadataFromUrl')



This is not executing.这不是执行。 Please help me out.请帮帮我。


I think you need to make sure fileUrl form value has a value because most likely it does not go inside of the if check.我认为您需要确保fileUrl表单值有一个值,因为它很可能在if检查中没有 go。

Try this:尝试这个:

it('should call getMetadataFromUrl()', fakeAsync(() => {
      const mockMetadataFromUrl = 'testMetaData';

      const getMetadataFromUrlSpy = jest
        .spyOn(URLService , 'getMetadataFromUrl')
      // !! set a value

      // !! wait for the subscription to finish (could be optional)

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