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如何使用 Airbnb JavaScript 样式更新数组中的所有项目?

[英]How to update all items in an Array with Airbnb JavaScript Style?

Let's say that we have an array like this:假设我们有一个这样的数组:

let list = [
    name: '1',
    count: 0,
    name: '2',
    count: 10,
    name: '3',
    count: 18,

Then how to update all items to increase count by 1?那么如何更新所有项目以将count增加 1?

Here comes several solutions, while none of them is quite satisfactory:这里有几个解决方案,但没有一个是令人满意的:

/* no-restricted-syntax error, pass */
for (const item of list) {
  item.count += 1;

/* no-param-reassign error, pass */
list.forEach((item) => {
  item.count += 1;

  Object.assign is free to use without error
  but it against the intention of no-param-reassign
list.forEach((item) => {
  Object.assign(item, { count: item.count + 1 });

  use Array.map() to replace the original array
  but it costs a lot when the item is large or the array has a large length
  also ugly code for such a tiny update
list = list.map((item) => ({
  count: item.count + 1,

If you have a better solution or consider Array.map() is good enough, please leave your opinion.如果您有更好的解决方案或认为Array.map()足够好,请留下您的意见。

Thank you:)谢谢:)

I generally use normal for loop to avoid Airbnb lint issue as follow:我通常使用正常的 for 循环来避免 Airbnb lint 问题,如下所示:

for (let index = 0; index < list.lenght; index++) {
    const item = list[index];
    if (item) {
        item.count += 1;

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