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如何过滤 api 地理编码谷歌地图?

[英]How do I filter api geocode google maps?

How can I filter the result of geocode API with region or bounds parameters?如何使用区域或边界参数过滤地理编码 API 的结果?

Example with filter region:过滤区域示例:

https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=tokyo&region=it https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=tokyo&region=it

Why return "Tokyo Japan" if I have filtered with parameter "region=it" (Italy)?如果我使用参数“region=it”(意大利)进行过滤,为什么要返回“Tokyo Japan”?

Example with filter bounds with the coordinates of Italy (I think):带有意大利坐标的过滤器边界示例(我认为):

https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=tokyo&bounds=47.092,18.7975999%7C35.4897,6.6267201 https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=tokyo&bounds=47.092,18.7975999%7C35.4897,6.6267201

Why return "Tokyo Japan"??为什么要返回“东京日本”?

Please Help me!请帮我!



The region parameter and bounds parameter is only a bias, not a restriction. region参数和bounds参数只是一个偏置,不是限制。 Please check the Geocoding API documentation:请查看地理编码 API 文档:

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