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Python Ursina 隐藏用户界面

[英]Python Ursina hide UI

I have an GUI inventory and I don't know how to hide it and all the items there are inside.我有一个 GUI 库存,但我不知道如何隐藏它以及里面的所有物品。 I tried to make the class Inventory(Entity) enabled or not and it didn't worked because it only gets enables and never disabled.我试图使类 Inventory(Entity) 启用或不启用,但它没有工作,因为它只启用而从未禁用。 This is my first post so, please, be nice.这是我的第一篇文章,所以,拜托,好。

My code:我的代码:

from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController

app = Ursina()

class Inventory(Entity):
    def __init__(self):
        player.enabled = False
            parent = camera.ui,
            model = 'quad',
            scale = (.5, .8),
            origin = (-.5, .5),
            position = (-.3,.4),
            texture = 'white_cube',
            texture_scale = (5,8),
            color = color.dark_gray

        self.item_parent = Entity(parent=self, scale=(1/5,1/8))
        enable = False

def input(key):

        if key == 'f':

def inventory_enable():

    inventory = Inventory()
    Inventory().enable = False

Setting entity.enabled = False will deactivate it and all it's children.设置entity.enabled = False将停用它及其所有子项。 To make it reappear, set it back to True.要使其重新出现,请将其设置回 True。

app = Ursina()

class Inventory(Entity):
    def __init__(self):
        player.enabled = False
            parent = camera.ui,


        self.inventory_ui = Entity(parent = self,
            model = 'quad',
            scale = (.5, .8),
            origin = (-.5, .5),
            position = (-.3,.4),
            texture = 'white_cube',
            texture_scale = (5,8),
            color = color.dark_gray,
            enable = True

        self.item_parent = Entity(parent=self.inventory_ui, scale=(1/5,1/8))
    def find_free_spot(self):                                                      
        taken_spots = [(int(e.x), int(e.y)) for e in self.item_parent.children]    
        for y in range(8):                                                         
            for x in range(5):                                                     
                if not (x,-y) in taken_spots:                                      
                    return (x,-y)                                                  

    def append(self, item):
        icon = Draggable(
            parent = Inventory().item_parent,
            model = 'quad',
            texture = item,
            color = color.white,
            origin = (-.5,.5),
            position = self.find_free_spot(),
            z = -.1,
        name = item.replace('_', ' ').title()
        icon.tooltip = Tooltip(name)
        icon.tooltip.background.color = color.color(0,0,0,.8)

        def drag():                                                     
            icon.org_pos = (icon.x, icon.y)                             

        def drop():
            icon.x = int(icon.x)
            icon.y = int(icon.y)

            '''if the spot is taken, swap positions'''
            for c in self.children:                                     
                if c == icon:                                           

                if c.x == icon.x and c.y == icon.y:                     
                    print('swap positions')                             
                    c.position = icon.org_pos                           

        icon.drag = drag                                                
        icon.drop = drop

#removed load_texture
grass_texture = "assets/grass.png"
soil_texture = "assets/soil.png"
stone_texture = "assets/stone.png"
wood_texture = "assets/wood.png"

sky_texture = load_texture("assets/skybox.png")

current_texture = grass_texture

def update():
    global current_texture
    if held_keys['1']: current_texture = grass_texture
    if held_keys['2']: current_texture = soil_texture
    if held_keys['3']: current_texture = stone_texture
    if held_keys['4']: current_texture = wood_texture

    # added
    if held_keys['g']:

    if held_keys['left mouse'] or held_keys['right mouse']:

def input(key):
        key_f = 0
        if key == 'escape':
        if key == 'f' and key_f == 0:
            key_f = 1
            key_f = 0

def inventory_close():
    Inventory().inventory_ui.enable = False
def inventory_enable():

    inventory = Inventory()
    Inventory().enable = False
    def add_item():                                                                  
        Inventory().append(random.choice(('bag', 'bow_arrow', 'gem', 'orb', 'sword'))) 

    for i in range(7):                                                  

    add_item_button = Button(                                           
        scale = (.1,.1),                                                
        x = -.5,                                                        
        color = color.lime.tint(-.25),                                  
        text = '+',                                                     
        tooltip = Tooltip('Add random item'),                           
        on_click = add_item                                             


By setting gui.enable = False or gui.visible = False you can hide the gui.通过设置gui.enable = Falsegui.visible = False你可以隐藏 gui。 gui.enable = False disables it and all of his parents, gui.visible = False just makes it invisible. gui.enable = False禁用它和他所有的父母, gui.visible = False只是让它不可见。

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