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Ingress 和 AWS 应用程序负载均衡器

[英]Ingress and AWS Application Load Balancer

Is there anyway to inspect the mappings between ingress resources created in EKS and Application Load Balancers created by AWS Load Balancer Controller?无论如何要检查 EKS 中创建的入口资源与 AWS Load Balancer Controller 创建的应用程序负载均衡器之间的映射?

My understanding is that an ALB gets created by AWS LBC for an ingress of class "alb".我的理解是 AWS LBC 为 class“alb”的入口创建了一个 ALB。 This ALB should get deleted after the ingress resource is deleted.删除入口资源后,应删除此 ALB。

But this doesn't happen sometimes.但这有时不会发生。 Likely because I messed around with other related resources such as statefulset, service or pod.可能是因为我弄乱了其他相关资源,例如 statefulset、service 或 pod。 (or could it be due to repeated deployment without deleting first?) (或者可能是由于重复部署而没有先删除?)

So is there a way to see the link between an ingress and its corresponding ALB in AWS?那么有没有办法在 AWS 中查看一个 Ingress 和它对应的 ALB 之间的链接呢?


is there a way to see the link between an ingress and its corresponding ALB in AWS?

You can use this command to print the ALB created for each Ingress in your cluster: kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces --output jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{@.metadata.name}{"\t"}{@.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}{"\n"}'您可以使用此命令打印为集群中的每个 Ingress 创建的 ALB: kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces --output jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{@.metadata.name}{"\t"}{@.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}{"\n"}'

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