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[英]Capacity provider instances not being added to cluster

I'm new to AWS and I'm trying to provision an ECS cluster with a capacity provider via Terraform. My plan executes without errors currently, and I can see that the capacity provider creates my instances, but those instances are not being registered with the cluster, even though the provider can be seen in the cluster's edit page in the web console.我是 AWS 的新手,我正在尝试通过 Terraform 使用容量提供程序配置 ECS 集群。我的计划目前执行无误,我可以看到容量提供程序创建了我的实例,但这些实例没有注册集群,即使可以在 web 控制台的集群编辑页面中看到提供程序。

Here is my config for the cluster:这是我的集群配置:

resource "aws_ecs_cluster" "cluster" {
  name = "main"

  depends_on = [

data "aws_ami" "amazon_linux_2" {
  most_recent = true
  owners      = ["amazon"]

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["amzn2-ami-ecs-hvm-*-x86_64-ebs"]

resource "aws_launch_configuration" "cluster" {
  name = "cluster-${aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name}"
  image_id = data.aws_ami.amazon_linux_2.image_id
  instance_type = "t2.small"

  security_groups = [module.vpc.default_security_group_id]
  iam_instance_profile = aws_iam_instance_profile.cluster.name

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "cluster" {
  name = aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name
  launch_configuration = aws_launch_configuration.cluster.name
  vpc_zone_identifier = module.vpc.private_subnets

  min_size = 3
  max_size = 3
  desired_capacity = 3

  tag {
    key = "ClusterName"
    value = aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name
    propagate_at_launch = true

  tag {
    key = "AmazonECSManaged"
    value = ""
    propagate_at_launch = true

resource "aws_ecs_capacity_provider" "cluster" {
  name = aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name

  auto_scaling_group_provider {
    auto_scaling_group_arn = aws_autoscaling_group.cluster.arn

    managed_scaling {
      status = "ENABLED"
      maximum_scaling_step_size = 1
      minimum_scaling_step_size = 1
      target_capacity = 3

resource "aws_ecs_cluster_capacity_providers" "cluster" {
  cluster_name = aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name

  capacity_providers = [aws_ecs_capacity_provider.cluster.name]

  default_capacity_provider_strategy {
    base = 1
    weight = 100
    capacity_provider = aws_ecs_capacity_provider.cluster.name

The instance profile role has this policy:实例配置文件角色具有此策略:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

I've read that this can happen if the instances do not have the proper roles, but as far as I can tell I've set up my roles correctly.我读过,如果实例没有适当的角色,就会发生这种情况,但据我所知,我已经正确设置了我的角色。 I'm not getting any visible permission errors that I can find.我没有收到任何我能找到的可见权限错误。

Another strange thing I've seen is that if another cluster named "default" exists, then the instances will register themselves to that cluster, even though the capacity provider is still attached to the other cluster.我看到的另一件奇怪的事情是,如果存在另一个名为“default”的集群,那么实例将自己注册到该集群,即使容量提供程序仍然连接到另一个集群。

Figured it out!弄清楚了! I just had to set user_data like below in my launch configuration.我只需要在我的启动配置中像下面这样设置user_data

resource "aws_launch_configuration" "cluster" {
  name = "cluster-${aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name}"
  image_id = data.aws_ami.amazon_linux_2.image_id
  instance_type = "t2.small"

  security_groups = [module.vpc.default_security_group_id]
  iam_instance_profile = aws_iam_instance_profile.cluster.name

  user_data = "#!/bin/bash\necho ECS_CLUSTER=${aws_ecs_cluster.cluster.name} >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config"

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