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PyUno 和 PyUno Bridge 有什么区别?

[英]What's the difference between PyUno and PyUno Bridge?

What's the difference between PyUno and PyUno Bridge? PyUno 和 PyUno Bridge 有什么区别? Or are they two names for the same thing?或者它们是同一事物的两个名称?

I believe they are a bit different?我相信他们有点不同?

Reading the documentation for which I'll leave links below, I can conclude that Uno is the interface based component model of Apache OpenOffice, and it has a binding to it under the name of "Py-UNO", while PyUno Bridge is the connection that the UNO establishes with the Apache OpenOffice API when developing UNO components.阅读我将在下面留下链接的文档,我可以得出结论,Uno 是 Apache OpenOffice 的基于接口的组件 model,它以“Py-UNO”的名称绑定到它,而 PyUno Bridge 是连接UNO在开发UNO组件时用Apache OpenOffice API建立。 Therefore PyUNO Bridge has been named as the process of using this PyUno model.因此PyUNO Bridge被命名为使用这个PyUno的进程model。

https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/PyUNO_bridge https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/PyUNO_bridge

https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Uno https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Uno

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