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索拉纳。 不匹配的转账金额和目标账户余额变化

[英]Solana. Not matched transfer amount and target account balance change

I sent transaction transferring 3000 lamports, but target account balance was increased for 2954 lamports.我发送了转移 3000 个 lamports 的交易,但目标账户余额增加了 2954 个 lamports。 Link to transaction: https://explorer.solana.com/tx/DyQGm27Qpwm6eU8S7DsQunR3bjVvVUEPPFUYCkd5w2kUh98CVbQmx7Qec2MP4JWoMjCfdgLjY5zypRp9tjPWMKu?cluster=de.net交易链接: https://explorer.solana.com/tx/DyQGm27Qpwm6eU8S7DsQunR3bjVvVUEPPFUYCkd5w2kUh98CVbQmx7Qec2MP4JWoMjCfdgLjY5zypRp9tjPWMKu?cluster=de.net

Why did it happen?为什么会这样? How can I predict the exact amount recipient will receive?我如何预测收件人将收到的确切金额?

Because of the small amount of SOL in the recipient account, it was charged rent for the epoch.由于收款账户中的 SOL 数量很少,因此被收取了 epoch 的租金。 This is only charged once per epoch, so subsequent transactions will not incur the additional cost.每个 epoch 只收取一次费用,因此后续交易不会产生额外费用。

If the account were above the rent-exempt amount, then the full transfer will always go through, as it happened with every other transaction referencing this account.如果账户高于免租金额,那么全额转账将始终通过 go,就像引用该账户的所有其他交易一样。 You can check the per-epoch rent amount and rent-exemption for a 0-byte account using solana rent :您可以使用solana rent检查 0 字节帐户的每个时期的租金金额和租金豁免:

$ solana rent 0
Rent per byte-year: 0.00000348 SOL
Rent per epoch: 0.000002439 SOL
Rent-exempt minimum: 0.00089088 SOL

Predicting the exact amount is very tricky because it's based on when a rent-paying account is visited over the course of an epoch.预测确切的金额非常棘手,因为它是基于在一个时期内访问支付租金帐户的时间。

Also, rent-paying accounts will soon be prohibited, so in the future, that transfer will not be allowed.另外,租金支付账户将很快被禁止,因此未来将不允许转让。

More information in the docs at https://docs.solana.com/implemented-proposals/rent有关文档的更多信息,请访问https://docs.solana.com/implemented-proposals/rent

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