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SwiftUI 和 NavigationBar

[英]SwiftUI and NavigationBar

I have a large iOS app with swift and XIBs for the view controllers.我有一个大型 iOS 应用程序,其中包含 swift 和用于视图控制器的 XIB。 Now I'm progressively migrating from XIBs/View controllers to SwiftUI but I don't know how to solve a specific problem.现在我正在逐步从 XIBs/View 控制器迁移到 SwiftUI 但我不知道如何解决特定问题。

Some XIB/View controllers have a navigation bar, if these XIB/controllers push a SwiftUI view the SwiftUI view appears correctly with its content and the navigation bar inherited from its parent XIB view.一些 XIB/View 控制器有一个导航栏,如果这些 XIB/控制器推送 SwiftUI 视图,SwiftUI 视图会正确显示其内容,并且导航栏继承自其父 XIB 视图。 But some of the SwiftUI views need to change some of the inherited navigation bar buttons and I don't know how to access from the SwiftUI code to the navigation bar content.但是SwiftUI的一些视图需要更改一些继承的导航栏按钮,我不知道如何从SwiftUI代码访问导航栏内容。

I tried to hide the inherited navigation bar using我试图使用隐藏继承的导航栏


(which is working) and creating a SwiftUI navigationbar using NavigationView component, but: (正在运行)并使用 NavigationView 组件创建一个 SwiftUI 导航栏,但是:

  1. I don't know if this is the correct approach.我不知道这是否是正确的方法。

  2. Using this NavigationView component the new navigation bar shown is much higher than the inherited navigation bar.使用此 NavigationView 组件,显示的新导航栏比继承的导航栏高得多。 Why is it showing a much higher navbar?为什么它显示更高的导航栏? Could I change this heght and how?我可以改变这个高度吗?如何改变?

Thank you!谢谢!

Well, I've just discovered that I have this method:好吧,我刚刚发现我有这个方法:

.navigationBarItems(leading: View, trailing: View) 

So I can customize my navbar buttons with it.所以我可以用它自定义我的导航栏按钮。 I don't need to hide the inherited navbar, just customize it.我不需要隐藏继承的导航栏,只需自定义它即可。

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