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如何应用不同的 CSS 链接 styles 来分隔 data.tables?

[英]How do I apply different CSS link styles to separate data tables?

For example;例如; I have one table at the top of my page that is 12 rows wide that I would like to have rounded borders and change colour when I hover over it.我的页面顶部有一张表格,它有 12 行宽,当我在上面输入 hover 时,我希望它具有圆角边框并更改颜色。 My second table (still on the same page) I would like to not have highlights when I hover over a column or row and have a different font.我的第二张表(仍在同一页上)当我在一列或一行上输入 hover 并使用不同的字体时,我不想突出显示。

I know how to apply classes to differentiate tables in my CSS style sheet but I'm not sure how to make it so I can apply these unique properties.我知道如何应用类来区分我的 CSS 样式表中的表格,但我不确定如何制作它以便我可以应用这些独特的属性。

You can use classes like (class="table_one") for example and you can use nth:child().例如,您可以使用 (class="table_one") 之类的类,也可以使用 nth:child()。

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