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Go:如何通过 GIN-Router 从 AWS S3 将文件作为二进制 stream 发送到浏览器?

[英]Go: How to send a File from AWS S3 via GIN-Router as binary stream to the browser?

How can I send a file, that I've got received from S3, to Gin as binary response?我如何将从 S3 收到的文件作为二进制响应发送到 Gin?

Lets say, I have the following code to obtain an image from S3 bucket:比方说,我有以下代码从 S3 存储桶中获取图像:

response, err := i.s3Client.GetObject(context.TODO(), &s3.GetObjectInput{
    Bucket: aws.String("test"),
    Key:    aws.String(filename),

How can I pipe this response into the response context of Gin-router?我如何将 pipe 这个响应放入 Gin-router 的响应上下文中?

I could do something like:我可以做类似的事情:

body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
    ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

But how to tell gin to serve this as output?但是如何告诉 gin 将其作为 output 提供呢? What comes in my mind but won't work is:我想到但行不通的是:

ctx.Header("Content-Type", *response.ContentType)
ctx.Header("Cache-control", "max-age="+strconv.Itoa(60*60*24*365))

Anything I can do here?有什么我可以在这里做的吗?

You're almost done:你几乎已经完成:

Instead of ctx.Write use this one:而不是ctx.Write使用这个:

ctx.DataFromReader(200, response.ContentLength, *response.ContentType, response.Body, nil)

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