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[英]How to change text color when Pressable pressed

I have a Pressable with a Text inside and i want to change the color of the text when the pressable is pressed (it is ok for Pressable's backgourndcolor but not for Text) I tried something like:我有一个 Pressable 里面有一个文本,我想在按下 pressable 时更改文本的颜色(对于 Pressable 的 backgourndcolor 是可以的,但对于 Text 则不行)我尝试了类似的方法:

                    style={({ pressed }) => [
                            backgroundColor: pressed
                                ? colors.PRIMARY_COLOR_DARK
                                : colors.MAIN_BACKGROUND,
                    onPress={() => console.log("Dossier")}>
                    {({ pressed }) => {
                                    color: pressed
                                        ? colors.WHITE_TEXT
                                        : colors.PRIMARY_COLOR_DARK,
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With this code Text desappears使用此代码文本消失

Apologies after more thorough testing the original script worked - as long as there are no color changes inside styles.buttonText.抱歉,经过更彻底的测试,原始脚本可以正常工作 - 只要 styles.buttonText 中没有颜色变化。

{({ pressed }) => (
                                color: pressed
                                    ? colors.WHITE_TEXT
                                    : colors.PRIMARY_COLOR_DARK,


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