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如何编写允许我通过 Powershell 从本地计算机复制到节点的命令

[英]How do I write a command that allows me to copy from local machine to a node via Powershell

This is the command I used to copy some files from a source to target which was basically from a node to my local computer via powershell that I need to run it but I am wondering now how do I copy from my local computer to another node I want to target?这是我用来将一些文件从源复制到目标的命令,基本上是通过 powershell 从一个节点复制到我的本地计算机,我需要运行它,但我现在想知道如何从我的本地计算机复制到另一个节点我想要瞄准? So basically i am created 2 nodes and the first was from that source to my local computer where I stored the files so I want to create it back up to a 2nd node via my local computer.所以基本上我创建了 2 个节点,第一个是从那个源到我存储文件的本地计算机,所以我想通过我的本地计算机将它创建备份到第二个节点。 So i just need the right command to go from my local cpu to a new node.所以我只需要从本地 cpu 到新节点的 go 的正确命令。 Any help please?有什么帮助吗?

scp -i c:\Users\DarraghMartin\Horizon\goerli_key.pem -o 'StrictHostkeyChecking=no' -r goerliuser@* c:\Users\DarraghMartin\Data

The command syndax is just scp [options] source target .命令 syndax 只是scp [options] source target If I assume node1 and node2 are identical, then the whole command to copy the local /Data folder recursively to node2 could look like:如果我假设 node1 和 node2 相同,那么将本地/Data文件夹递归复制到 node2 的整个命令可能如下所示:

scp -i c:\Users\DarraghMartin\Horizon\goerli_key.pem -o 'StrictHostkeyChecking=no' -r c:\Users\DarraghMartin\Data goerliuser@Node2IP:/data/keystore/


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