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为什么消费 Azure 功能会创建应用服务计划和存储帐户?

[英]Why Consumption Azure Functions create an App Service Plan and Storage Account?

When you create an Azure Function Consumption App the platform automatically creates an App Service Plan which is the free one.当您创建 Azure Function 消费应用程序时,平台会自动创建一个免费的应用程序服务计划。 Isn't the consumption Functions meant to be scalable and serverless so you don't have to deal with server farms?消费函数不是意味着可扩展和无服务器的,所以你不必处理服务器场吗?

Please see this documentation: Azure Functions Consumption plan hosting .请参阅此文档: Azure 功能消费计划托管

When you're using the Consumption plan, instances of the Azure Functions host are dynamically added and removed based on the number of incoming events.使用消耗计划时,会根据传入事件的数量动态添加和删除 Azure 函数主机的实例。 The Consumption plan is the fully serverless hosting option for Azure Functions.消费计划是 Azure 功能的完全无服务器托管选项。

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The general recommendation is for each function app to have its own Consumption plan.一般建议每个function app都有自己的Consumption plan。 However, if needed, function apps in the same region can be assigned to the same Consumption plan.但是,如果需要,可以将同一地区的 function 个应用分配到同一个消费计划。

So it is scalable, it is serverless and you do not deal with server farms.所以它可扩展的,它无服务器的,你不需要处理服务器场。 You just specify a Consumption plan and you're good to go!您只需指定一个消费计划,就可以开始了!

By default, a Consumption plan is created for you.默认情况下,会为您创建消费计划。 You do not have any options for configuring resources or scaling the App Service plan, it's just there to enable your Functions to run in a Consumption plan.您没有任何用于配置资源或扩展应用服务计划的选项,它只是为了让您的功能能够在消费计划中运行。

Educated guess:有根据的猜测:
This might be necessary since a Function App is a special version of an App Service.这可能是必要的,因为 Function 应用程序是应用程序服务的特殊版本。 Like an App Service needs an App Service Plan, a Function App needs an App Service Plan too.就像应用服务需要应用服务计划一样,Function 应用也需要应用服务计划。
Just for laughs, open the Azure portal to a subscription that has Function Apps and open up the App Services .只是为了开怀大笑,打开 Azure 门户以订阅具有 Function 应用程序并打开应用程序服务 See the Function Apps in that list...?查看该列表中的 Function 应用程序...?

As far as the storage account goes,就存储帐户而言,

Azure Functions requires an Azure Storage account when you create a function app instance. Azure 创建 function 应用程序实例时,Functions 需要一个 Azure 存储帐户。

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When creating a function app, you must create or link to a general-purpose Azure Storage account that supports Blob, Queue, and Table storage.创建 function 应用程序时,必须创建或链接到支持 Blob、队列和表存储的通用 Azure 存储帐户。 This is because Functions relies on Azure Storage for operations such as managing triggers and logging function executions.这是因为 Functions 依赖 Azure Storage 来进行管理触发器和记录 function 执行等操作。

More info: Storage considerations for Azure Functions .更多信息: Azure 函数的存储注意事项

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