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[英]match rownames and colnames of correlation matrix

I have a vector with 3990 names (these are the column names of my dataframe) and I want to match them with the rows of my data.我有一个包含 3990 个名称的向量(这些是我的数据框的列名),我想将它们与我的数据行匹配。 My data contains correlation values and I want to subset my data based on the matches found我的数据包含相关值,我想根据找到的匹配项对我的数据进行子集化

My data looks like this:我的数据如下所示: 在此处输入图像描述

I tried using grepl我尝试使用 grepl

result <- filter(df, grepl(paste(column_names, collapse="|"), rownames(df)))

but I get an error但我得到一个错误

error in 'grepl()': ! “grepl()”中的错误:! invalid regular expression无效的正则表达式

my expected output would be我预期的 output 将是


does anyone have any suggestions on how can this be done?有没有人对如何做到这一点有任何建议?

would really be great if someone could help me with this!如果有人可以帮助我,那就太好了!

Best, Shweta最好的,Shweta

Try this:尝试这个:

dat %>%
  filter(grepl(paste0("\\b", names(.), "\\b", collapse="|"), rownames(dat)))
TATA,TATA  0.8  0.2  0.5  0.1
TATB       0.2  0.9  0.4  0.5
TATA       0.9  0.4  0.2  0.1


dat <- data.frame(TATA = c(0.8,0.2,0.1,0.01,0.9),
                  TATB = c(0.2,0.9,0.2,0.4,0.4),
                  TATC = c(0.5,0.4,0.3,0.3,0.2),
                  TATD = c(0.1,0.5,0.15,0.5,0.1),
                  row.names = c("TATA,TATA", "TATB", "TATE", "TATM", "TATA"))

Three options you can try:您可以尝试三个选项:

data.frame(rows=rownames(dat)[row(dat)], vars=colnames(dat)[col(dat)], values=c(dat))


        Var1 Var2        Freq
1  TATA,TATA TATA 0.872624483
2       TATB TATA 0.533790730
3       TATE TATA 0.110495616
4       TATM TATA 0.253893718
5       TATA TATA 0.303576730
6  TATA,TATA TATB 0.774815753
7       TATB TATB 0.941361633
8       TATE TATB 0.305219935
9       TATM TATB 0.101124692
10      TATA TATB 0.968514156
11 TATA,TATA TATC 0.891697937
12      TATB TATC 0.006223573
13      TATE TATC 0.045138657
14      TATM TATC 0.848485971
15      TATA TATC 0.995542845
16 TATA,TATA TATD 0.479559761
17      TATB TATD 0.981808763
18      TATE TATD 0.227518091
19      TATM TATD 0.767491049
20      TATA TATD 0.410935185


dat <- data.frame(TATA = runif(5),
                  TATB = runif(5),
                  TATC = runif(5),
                  TATD = runif(5),
                  row.names = c("TATA,TATA", "TATB", "TATE", "TATM", "TATA"))


Using regex matching to subset your input data, as a first step:作为第一步,使用正则表达式匹配对输入数据进行子集化:

cols <- grep(pattern = paste0(rownames(dat), collapse = "|"), x = colnames(dat), value = TRUE)
rows <- grep(pattern = paste0(colnames(dat), collapse = "|"), x = rownames(dat), value = TRUE)

dat2 <- dat[rownames(dat) %in% rows, colnames(dat) %in% cols]


       Var1 Var2      Freq
1 TATA,TATA TATA 0.6908219
2      TATB TATA 0.7255142
3      TATA TATA 0.1022963
4 TATA,TATA TATB 0.7291625
5      TATB TATB 0.7420069
6      TATA TATB 0.7480157

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