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你如何键入一个作为道具传递给组件的 useState 钩子,typescript + react

[英]How do you type a useState hook that is being passed as a prop to a component, typescript+react

I have two components and我有两个组件和

Now I'm passing a useState hook from Admin component into the Login component as a setAuth prop现在我将一个 useState 挂钩从 Admin 组件传递到 Login 组件作为 setAuth 道具

In my Admin component:在我的管理组件中:

const Admin = () => {
  const [auth, setAuth] = useState(false);

  <Login setAuth={setAuth} />

And my Login component:我的登录组件:

const Login = ({ setAuth }) => {
  //and then logic to set auth based on db auth from firebase

How do I properly type the setState hook being passed as a prop to a component?如何正确键入作为组件传递给组件的 setState 挂钩?

interface ISetAuth {
  setAuth: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>;

const Login = ({ setAuth }: ISetAuth) => {
  //whatever code

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