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[英]How to use c# code inside <% … %> tags on asp.net page?

I'm writing an asp.net user control. 我正在编写一个asp.net用户控件。 It has a property, FurtherReadingPage, and two controls bound to it: ObjectDataSource and a Repeater. 它有一个属性,FurtherReadingPage,以及绑定到它的两个控件:ObjectDataSource和Repeater。 Inside the Repeater I would like to display a hyperlink with an href property set to something like FurtherReadingPage + "?id=" + Eval("Id") . 在Repeater中我想显示一个超链接,其href属性设置为FurtherReadingPage + "?id=" + Eval("Id") I don't know how to do it inside the page's markup. 我不知道如何在页面标记内执行此操作。 I can use <% Eval("Id") %> or <% Response.Write(FurtherReadingPage + "?id=") %> alone but I don't know how to mix them. 我可以单独使用<% Eval("Id") %><% Response.Write(FurtherReadingPage + "?id=") %>但我不知道如何混合它们。

You have a couple of different tags: 你有几个不同的标签:

<% executes the code inside: <%执行里面的代码:

<% int id = int.Parse(Request["id"]); %> 

<%= writes out the code inside: <%=写出里面的代码:

<%=id %> <!-- note no ; -->

<!-- this is shorthand for: -->
<% Response.Write(id); %> 

Both of these break up the normal flow when rendered on a page, for instance if you use them in a normal Asp.net <head runat="server"> you'll get problems. 当在页面上呈现时,这两个都会破坏正常流程,例如,如果您在普通的Asp.net <head runat="server">使用它们,您将遇到问题。

<%# databinding: <%#数据绑定:

<%# Eval("id") %>

This allows you to specify the bindings for controls that Asp.net WebForms render as a collection (rather than the literal controls that you can use <%= with), for instance: 这允许您指定Asp.net WebForms呈现为集合的控件的绑定(而不是可以使用<%= with的文字控件),例如:

<!-- this could be inside a repeater or another control -->
<asp:Hyperlink runat="server" ID="demo" 
     NavigateUrl="page.aspx?id=<%# Eval("id") %>" />

<%  //without this bind the <%# will be ignored
    void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) {

For your specific case you either: 对于您的具体情况,您可以:

  • Use a repeater and <%# Eval(...) %> with repeater.DataBind(); 使用转发器和<%# Eval(...) %> with repeater.DataBind();

or 要么

  • Use a foreach loop ( <% foreach(... %> ) with <%= ... %> 使用foreach循环( <% foreach(... %> )和<%= ... %>


<%#String.Format("{0}?id={1}",FurtherReadingPage, Id)%>

你可以这样做 -

<asp:Hyperlink runat="Server" ID="hlLink" NavigateUrl='<%# FurtherReadingPage + "?Id=" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Id")  %>' />

试试这个(例如链接): <a href='<%=FurtherReadingPage %>?id=<%# Eval("Id") %>'>My link</a>

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