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SQL Azure 数据库 DTU 在升迁后增加,没有其他变化

[英]SQL Azure database DTU increses after upsizing with no other changes

When a single Azure SQL database is upsized to (S1->S3, S7->S9, P2->P4 etc.) with no other changes (no code deployment, no changes in load) the DTU percentage decreases, which is expected.当单个 Azure SQL 数据库升级到(S1->S3、S7->S9、P2->P4 等)而没有其他更改(没有代码部署、负载没有变化)时,DTU 百分比会降低,这是预期的。 What could explain the DTU percentage increasing upon moving to the higher tier and then decreasing back when downgraded to the smaller tier?什么可以解释 DTU 百分比在移动到较高层时增加,然后在降级到较小层时减少?

In other words, normally one could expect P2 @ ~80% becoming P4 @ ~40% .换句话说,通常可以预期P2 @ ~80%变成P4 @ ~40% What could explain P2 @ ~80% becoming P4 @ ~90% at stable load, no code changes, and no increase is db size (the database is read and write heavy (updates, not many inserts).什么可以解释P2 @ ~80%在稳定负载下变成P4 @ ~90% ,没有代码更改,也没有增加数据库大小(数据库读写繁重(更新,插入不多)。

For example, could Query Store become busier when more DTUs are available?例如,当有更多 DTU 可用时,Query Store 会变得更忙吗?

Please note this is not after optimizing this database (this work is being done but this is not part of this question)请注意,这不是在优化此数据库之后(这项工作正在进行中,但这不是此问题的一部分)

When you increase the DTUs you also get an increase in the transaction log throughput rate.增加 DTU 时,事务日志吞吐率也会增加。

As your database has a heavy UPDATE load, it is likely the case that at the lower tier your writes are being heavily throttled as well as your CPU and Memory overhead being close to the MAX>由于您的数据库有沉重的更新负载,很可能是在较低层您的写入受到严重限制以及您的 CPU 和 Memory 开销接近 MAX>

Increasing your DTUs allows you more CPU and Memory headroom, but potentially your throughput rate is still being throttled with the high number of UPDATES.增加您的 DTU 可以让您获得更多 CPU 和 Memory 空间,但您的吞吐率可能仍然受到大量更新的限制。

The formula used for avg_dtu_percent is avg_dtu_percent = MAX(avg_cpu_percent, avg_data_io_percent, avg_log_write_percent) therefore you can see that your DTU can still appear high if only one of the resource types is being heavily used.用于 avg_dtu_percent 的公式是avg_dtu_percent = MAX(avg_cpu_percent, avg_data_io_percent, avg_log_write_percent)因此您可以看到,如果只有一种资源类型被大量使用,您的 DTU 仍然会显得很高。

To track more detailed usage information, sys.dm_db_resource_stats dynamic management view (DMV) lets you view resource consumption for the last hour.要跟踪更详细的使用信息, sys.dm_db_resource_stats动态管理视图 (DMV) 可让您查看过去一小时的资源消耗情况。 The sys.resource_stats catalog view displays resource consumption for the last 14 days, but at a lower fidelity of five-minute averages. sys.resource_stats目录视图显示过去 14 天的资源消耗,但精度低于五分钟平均值。

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