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如何从 flask 错误处理程序返回 json 响应?

[英]How to return a json response from a flask error handler?

I have a Flask app where I register an error as:我有一个 Flask 应用程序,我在其中注册了一个错误:

app.register_error_handler(401, handle_errors)

and my handle_errors function looks like this:我的handle_errors function 看起来像这样:

def handle_errors(error):
    response = make_response()
    response.data = str(error.to_dict())
    response.content_type = "application/json"
    response.status_code = 401
    return response, response.status_code

However, when I invoke my API my response looks like this:但是,当我调用 API 时,我的响应如下所示:

< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Why does it return it as text/html even though I set the content_type to application/json ?为什么即使我将content_type设置为application/json ,它仍将其作为text/html返回?

import json

from flask import Flask, Response, abort

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True

#register 500 error handler
# handle all other exception
def all_exception_handler(error):
    res = {"error": str(error)}
    return Response(status=500, mimetype="application/json", response=json.dumps(res))

# handle 401 exception
def error_401_handler(error):
    res = {"error": "Unauthorized"}
    return Response(status=401, mimetype="application/json", response=json.dumps(res))

# test exception 500 with http get
def test500():
    raise Exception("test exception")

# test exception 401 with http get
def test401():

# register 401 error handler
app.register_error_handler(401, error_401_handler)


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