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您可以通过 MS Graph 调用或任何其他方式从 MS 团队中弹出聊天框,使用 /pop 创建 MS 团队群聊吗?

[英]Can you create a MS Teams group chat with a /pop via a MS Graph call or any other way that the chat box is popped out of MS teams?

I am looking to create a groupchat within a C# MS graph call that pops out the windows from MS Teams.我希望在 C# MS 图表调用中创建一个群聊,该调用从 MS Teams 弹出 windows。 Anyone ever done that before and have a code sample which pops the chat window from the Teams on creation?以前有人这样做过,并且有代码示例可以在创建时从 Teams 中弹出聊天 window 吗?

You can create a group chat using Graph API. But there is no API to popout the created group chat.您可以使用图 API 创建群聊。但是没有 API 弹出创建的群聊。

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