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使用 Soup 获取标签名称和文本

[英]Get tag name and text with Soup

I try to get the text from a header with BeautifulSoup. The header is dynamic in his attributes.我尝试从 header 和 BeautifulSoup 获取文本。header 在他的属性中是动态的。 That is the reason, why I minimize the html-code.这就是为什么我最小化 html 代码的原因。 I want to get the text and the according tag-name.我想获取文本和相应的标签名称。 I tried this:我试过这个:

 for element in header.find_all(string = True):
                if len(element.text.strip('\n')) > 0:
                    a = header.find_all(text = element.text)
                    print(a + " " + a.text.strip('\n'))

But the print output is only the text and not the tag with text.但是打印 output 只是文本而不是带有文本的标签。 How can I solve that?我该如何解决?

Thank you in forward.谢谢你。



                Text A here</span>
            <span><span>Text B Here <span>
                Text C Here
                    Text C Here</a>

                Text D</a>
            Text E

Second Example:第二个例子:

                    Text A
                <span><span>Text B</span>
                Text C

3th Example:第三个例子:

                    Text A
                    </span><span>Text B</span>
                Text C
                Text D
                    Text E</a><span>Text F </span>
                    Text G</a><span> Text H </span>
                    Text I</a>

Use element.parent.name to get the tag name.使用element.parent.name获取标签名称。

Based on your example 1:根据您的示例 1:

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

                    Text A here</span>
                <span><span>Text B Here <span>
                    Text C Here
                        Text C Here</a>
                    Text D</a>
                Text E
    header=BeautifulSoup(html.strip(), 'html.parser')
    for element in header.find_all(string = True):
        if len(element.text.strip('\n')) > 0:
            a = header.find(text = element.text)
            print(a.parent.name + " " + a.text.strip())

Output: Output:

Text A here
span Text A here
Text B Here
span Text B Here
Text C Here
div Text C Here
Text C Here
a Text C Here
Text D
a Text D
Text E
div Text E

Example 3:示例 3:

                    Text A
                    </span><span>Text B</span>
                Text C
                Text D
                    Text E</a><span>Text F </span>
                    Text G</a><span> Text H </span>
                    Text I</a>

header=BeautifulSoup(html.strip(), 'html.parser')
for element in header.find_all(string = True):
    if len(element.text.strip('\n')) > 0:
        a = header.find(text = element.text)
        print(a.parent.name + " " + a.text.strip())

Output: Output:

Text A
span Text A
Text B
span Text B
Text C
div Text C
Text D
div Text D
Text E
a Text E
Text F
span Text F
Text G
a Text G
Text H
span Text H
Text I
a Text I

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