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自动更改 100+ 行长的第 N 个值 SQL 自动插入虚拟数据的脚本

[英]Automatically change the Nth value of a 100+ line long SQL script for automatically inserting dummy data

I have a long SQL script that I'm converting from MySQL syntax to Postgres.我有一个很长的 SQL 脚本,我正在将它从 MySQL 语法转换为 Postgres。

There are about 100+ lines of script for inserting dummy data that look like this:大约有 100 多行用于插入虚拟数据的脚本,如下所示:

INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock,
unit_price, category_id, date_created)
VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1001', 'Spring Framework Tutorial', 'Learn Spring',
,1,100,29.99,1, NOW());

INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock,
unit_price, category_id, date_created)
VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1002', 'Kubernetes - Deploying Containers', 'Learn Kubernetes',
,1,100,24.99,1, NOW());

INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock,
unit_price, category_id, date_created)
VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1003', 'Internet of Things (IoT) - Getting Started', 'Learn IoT',
,1,100,29.99,1, NOW());

-- etc...

I would like to change the value for the 4th column that's being inserted to true .我想将插入的第 4 列的值更改为true In all 100+ insert statements it's currently set to 1 which, in MySQL, would coerce to a boolean value in that column, but does not work in Postgres.在所有 100 多个插入语句中,它当前设置为 1,在 MySQL 中,将强制转换为该列中的 boolean 值,但在 Postgres 中不起作用。

My question is: are there any tools out there that I could use to change only the value of 1 in every statement's 4th column to true ?我的问题是:是否有任何工具可以用来仅将每个语句的第 4 列中的1的值更改为true

For example, I want to change the following:例如,我想更改以下内容:

INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock,
unit_price, category_id, date_created)
VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1001', 'Spring Framework Tutorial', 'Learn Spring',
,1,100,29.99,1, NOW());

to this:对此:

INSERT INTO product (sku, name, description, image_url, active, units_in_stock,
unit_price, category_id, date_created)
VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1001', 'Spring Framework Tutorial', 'Learn Spring',
,true,100,29.99,1, NOW());

Any suggestions or online tools I could use?我可以使用任何建议或在线工具吗? Ctrl + f and replacing 1 with true won't work because I have another value in the insert statement that I want to keep at 1. Ctrl + f 并将1替换为true将不起作用,因为我在插入语句中有另一个值,我想将其保留为 1。

There are 2 possibilities.有两种可能性。

  • You import the value as a number, then do and update set bool_col = true where numb_col = 1 then remove the numb_col and rename bool_col.您将值作为数字导入,然后执行并更新set bool_col = true where numb_col = 1然后删除 numb_col 并重命名 bool_col。
  • You use a replace statement and replace您使用替换语句并替换



I've intentionally included the single quote and newline precedent so that we only replace the 1 that we need to replace and not any others.我特意包含了单引号和换行符的先例,以便我们只替换我们需要替换的1而不是任何其他的。

You can change the data type to integer before the INSERT s and back afterwards:您可以在INSERT之前将数据类型更改为integer ,然后再返回:

CREATE TABLE product (
   sku text NOT NULL,
   name text NOT NULL,
   description text,
   image_url text NOT NULL,
   active boolean NOT NULL,
   units_in_stock integer NOT NULL,
   unit_price numeric(15,2) NOT NULL,
   category_id integer NOT NULL,
   date_created timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE product ALTER active TYPE integer USING active::integer;

   (sku, name, description,
    image_url, active, units_in_stock,
    unit_price, category_id, date_created)
VALUES ('BOOK-TECH-1001', 'Spring Framework Tutorial', 'Learn Spring',
        'assets/images/products/placeholder.png', 1, 100,
        29.99, 1, NOW());

ALTER TABLE product ALTER active TYPE boolean USING active::boolean;

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