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在 Power BI 中列出缺失数据

[英]List missing data in Power BI

I'm currently preparing a report in PowerBI where I need to list out missing items from a list of potential options.我目前正在 PowerBI 中准备一份报告,我需要在其中列出潜在选项列表中缺失的项目。 The values are categorical variables that are used to classify each entry into a log.这些值是用于对日志中的每个条目进行分类的分类变量。 I have a reference table and a list of manually entered values which I can get to show missing rows in a table that looks like this example.我有一个参考表和一个手动输入的值列表,我可以在一个看起来像这个例子的表中显示缺失的行。


My report has a pie chart showing the spread of the entered values, so the list is to show the complementary missing values.我的报告有一个饼图,显示输入值的分布,因此该列表用于显示互补的缺失值。 I am trying to work out a measure or calculated column that will show true/false for the blank cells in entered vals so I can use the reference list to filter only those values that are false.我正在尝试计算出一个度量或计算列,该列将显示输入值中空白单元格的真/假,因此我可以使用引用列表仅过滤那些为假的值。

you can use DAX measure to check if a cell is blank or not您可以使用 DAX 度量来检查单元格是否为空白

 Measure= IF(ISBLANK(Table1[reference]),"False","True")

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