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[英]Checking if the number is a decimal.Decimal type in python

Variable 'a' could be of type - int/float/decimal.Decimal (but not a string)变量“a”的类型可以是 - int/float/decimal.Decimal(但不是字符串)

I want to check if its a decimal.Decimal type.我想检查它是否是 decimal.Decimal 类型。

Following works:以下作品:

import decimal
a = decimal.Decimal(4)

if type(a) is decimal.Decimal:
    print('yes decimal')
    print('not decimal')

But, is there a righter way of doing the same?但是,有没有更正确的方法来做同样的事情? tnx.谢谢。

Use isinstance which outputs True or False .使用输出TrueFalseisinstance

result = isinstance(a, decimal.Decimal)

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