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从Azure数据工厂调用Azure Function报404错误

[英]Calling Azure Function from Azure Data Factory Gives 404 Error

I have an Azure Function named "SendTemplateEmail" that has an HTTP Trigger.我有一个名为“SendTemplateEmail”的 Azure Function,它有一个 HTTP 触发器。


I'd like to call this from an Azure Data Factory Pipeline.我想从 Azure 数据工厂管道调用它。

I've created a new linked service and configured as follows:我创建了一个新的链接服务并配置如下:


I've configures the Azure Function task within the ADF Pipeline as follows:我在 ADF 管道中配置了 Azure Function 任务,如下所示:


When I run the pipeline, I get the following error:当我运行管道时,出现以下错误:


Works if using Web Task如果使用 Web 任务则有效

If I make the call from the pipeline using a web task configured as follows then the call to the Azure function is successful:如果我使用如下配置的 web 任务从管道进行调用,那么对 Azure function 的调用将成功:


Is there any way to figure out the URL the pipeline is trying to reach?有没有办法找出管道试图到达的 URL?

This error is expected when there is no Function App found with the requested URL. Before triggering the Azure Function pipeline, make sure your Azure Function App is in Running state.当没有找到与请求的 URL 匹配的 Function 应用程序时,预计会出现此错误。在触发 Azure Function 管道之前,请确保您的 Azure Function 应用程序处于运行状态 8827144838.401

Start the Function App by clicking on Start Symbol on overview page.单击概览页面上的启动符号启动Function 应用程序


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