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从 html 表单发布数据时出现 Namecheap LiteSpeed 问题

[英]Namecheap LiteSpeed Problem when Posting data from html form

I am facing a problem when trying to post data to my PHP from html form.我在尝试将数据从 html 表单发布到我的 PHP 时遇到问题。 The issue is as follows:问题如下:

  1. When I submit less data like a 1 paragraph of Lorem Ipsum it works fine.当我提交较少的数据时,如 Lorem Ipsum 的 1 段,它工作正常。
  2. Submitting more paragraphs it fails instantly with error 403 Forbidden.提交更多段落会立即失败,并显示错误 403 Forbidden。
  3. Tried solving using SecFilterScanPOST Off on .htaccess but to no avail.尝试在 .htaccess 上使用 SecFilterScanPOST Off 解决,但无济于事。

Error message image错误信息图片

To solve this error, @qtwrk's comment is correct that you must use the following code in your .htaccess.要解决此错误,@qtwrk 的评论是正确的,您必须在 .htaccess 中使用以下代码。

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecRuleEngine Off
SecRequestBodyAccess Off

WordPress running on Litespeed Server will often fail with a 403 error when you try to post any content while creating new pages and posts in WP Admin.当您在 WP Admin 中创建新页面和帖子时尝试发布任何内容时,在 Litespeed Server 上运行的 WordPress 通常会失败并出现 403 错误。 This code solves that issue.这段代码解决了这个问题。

A solution about disabling should help but it decreases security — stops doing that.关于禁用的解决方案应该有所帮助,但它会降低安全性——停止这样做。

Better to spend more time understanding the main reason and for example configure mod_security for Wordpress:最好花更多时间了解主要原因,例如为 Wordpress 配置 mod_security:

Based on this article you can disable some rules directly for wp-admin directory:基于这篇文章,您可以直接为wp-admin目录禁用一些规则:

<LocationMatch "/wp-admin/">
  SecRuleRemoveById 300013
  SecRuleRemoveById 300014
  SecRuleRemoveById 300015
  SecRuleRemoveById 300016
  SecRuleRemoveById 300017

Based on this article you can disable some rules directly for sub-directories:基于这篇文章,您可以直接为子目录禁用一些规则:

<LocationMatch "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php">
  SecRuleRemoveById 300013
  SecRuleRemoveById 300015
  SecRuleRemoveById 300016
  SecRuleRemoveById 300017
  SecRuleRemoveById 949110
  SecRuleRemoveById 980130
<LocationMatch "/wp-admin/page.php">
  SecRuleRemoveById 300013
  SecRuleRemoveById 300015
  SecRuleRemoveById 300016
  SecRuleRemoveById 300017
  SecRuleRemoveById 949110
  SecRuleRemoveById 980130
<LocationMatch "/wp-admin/post.php">
  SecRuleRemoveById 300013
  SecRuleRemoveById 300015
  SecRuleRemoveById 300016
  SecRuleRemoveById 300017
  SecRuleRemoveById 949110
  SecRuleRemoveById 980130

If you want to be sure that mod_security is used you can wrap the settings above in this:如果你想确保使用了mod_security ,你可以将上面的设置包装在下面:

<IfModule mod_security.c>
  # ...
  # <LocationMatch ...>
  # ...

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