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如何在 Angular 中正确使用 Eslint 规则 newline-per-chained-call 和 Prettier

[英]How to correctly use Eslint rule newline-per-chained-call with Prettier in Angular

I added the rule:我添加了规则:

"newline-per-chained-call": [
        "ignoreChainWithDepth": 2

to my .eslintrc.json file.到我的.eslintrc.json文件。
I Also extended "plugin:prettier/recommended" .我还扩展"plugin:prettier/recommended"
Now when I write code like this:现在当我写这样的代码时:


I get error Delete ⏎↹↹↹ eslint (prettier/prettier).我收到错误Delete ⏎↹↹↹ eslint (prettier/prettier). in VSCode which I don't want to have.在我不想拥有的 VSCode 中。 How can I fix the configuration to allow this code structure?如何修复配置以允许此代码结构?

My .prettierrc.json looks like this:我的.prettierrc.json看起来像这样:

    "singleQuote": true,
    "useTabs": true,
    "semi": true,
    "bracketSameLine": true,
    "endOfLine": "lf"

不能将 newline-per-chained-call 与 prettier 一起使用,因为 prettier 不允许这种行为......唯一可以做的就是删除 newline-per-chained-call 或删除 prettier 或在之前添加注释“// prettier-ignore”链式线

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