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Pipe 在刷新时生成进程标准输出到 function

[英]Pipe spawned process stdout to function on flush

My goal is to spawn another binary file in a child process, then handle the stdout on a line-by-line basis (And do some processing against that line).我的目标是在子进程中生成另一个二进制文件,然后逐行处理标准输出(并对该行进行一些处理)。 For testing I'm using Node.为了进行测试,我正在使用 Node。 To do this I tried a readable & writable stream but it a type error is throwed saying "The argument 'stdio' is invalid. Received Writable"为此,我尝试了一个可读和可写的 stream 但它抛出了一个类型错误,说“参数'stdio'无效。收到可写”

const rs = new stream.Readable();
const ws = new stream.Writable();

const child = cp.spawn("node", [], {
    stdio: [process.stdin, ws, process.stderr]

let count = 0;
ws.on("data", (data) => {
    console.log(data, count)

Anyone have any ideas?有人有主意吗?

One way is to use the stdio streams returned by spawn and manually pipe them:一种方法是使用spawn返回的 stdio 流并手动 pipe 它们:

const child = cp.spawn("node", [])


let count = 0;
ws.on("data", (data) => {
    console.log(data, count)

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