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将向量与结构向量进行比较 - c++

[英]comparing vector to vector of struct - c++

I have a program that creates a vector of 6 random numbers, and another vector that contains all numeric contents of a file.我有一个程序可以创建一个包含 6 个随机数的向量,以及另一个包含文件所有数字内容的向量。 I need to compare the 6 numbers to the entire file vector to find all the matches.我需要将 6 个数字与整个文件向量进行比较以找到所有匹配项。

I've managed to get my program working but it only seems to match the first number per line from my file, and doesnt loop over the rest of the line.我已经设法让我的程序工作,但它似乎只匹配我文件中每行的第一个数字,并且不会循环遍历该行的 rest。

//struct to store data from file
struct past_results {
   std::string date;
   std::string winningnums;

 //vector containing the 6 random numbers  
 int size = 6;   
 std::vector<int> numbers(size);

 //data from struct goes into this vector
 std::vector<past_results> resultvec;
 //function to search vector and match with vector of 6 nums
 for (const struct &e : resultvec){

 //compares 'resultvec.winningnums' data to 'numbers' vector
 for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        if(std::stoi(e.winningnums) == numbers.at(i)){
            std::cout << "number found:" << numbers.at(i) << std::endl;

Example output:示例 output:

Numbers generated: 17 36 14 17 22 2 

Numbers from vec: 5,6,16,17,19,22,40
Numbers from vec: 6,16,23,34,35,40,37
Numbers from vec: 10,14,15,23,24,27,39
Numbers from vec: 12,23,28,2,36,40,18  //<--- should catch the 2 from this line
Numbers from vec: 10,2,24,31,36,47,41
Numbers from vec: 13,17,22,41,43,47,28
Numbers from vec: 2,11,28,29,31,39,24
number found:2
Numbers from vec: 4,12,15,39,45,47,22
Numbers from vec: 1,2,33,36,38,45,48   //<---- should catch 2 from this line
Numbers from vec: 2,15,16,17,25,26,44
number found:2

You can see my program only checks for the value once per line, and doesnt run through the entire line to check.你可以看到我的程序每行只检查一次值,并没有运行整行来检查。 It also only gets the matching number if it is the first number from the line.如果它是行中的第一个数字,它也只会获得匹配的数字。 I need the program to search line by line, and find all of the matching numbers from each string.我需要程序逐行搜索,并从每个字符串中找到所有匹配的数字。 The file contents are in string form, gathered by a getline function from my file, I then convert these back to int using stoi::文件内容为字符串形式,由我的文件中的 getline function 收集,然后我使用 stoi:: 将它们转换回 int

how would I extend my for loop to include all data from the line and not just the first number?我将如何扩展我的 for 循环以包含该行的所有数据而不仅仅是第一个数字?


minimal example:最小的例子:

//struct to store data from file
struct foo {
   std::string b;

int main(){

   std::vector<foo> a;
   //vector of nums to compare
   std::vector<int> c;
   //find numbers in vector b that equal vector of struct foo(element x)
   if(c.at(i) == a.b.at(i))
     //output matching nums


Instead of代替

struct foo {
   std::string b;

I would store the numbers that you read from the file in a container storing numbers, like std::vector<int> if you need to store them in the exact order they are present in the file.我会将您从文件中读取的数字存储在存储数字的容器中,例如std::vector<int>如果您需要按照它们在文件中出现的确切顺序存储它们。 If you don't need to preserve the order you could also std::sort them to make searching faster by using a binary search algorithm.如果您不需要保留顺序,您也可以std::sort它们通过使用二进制搜索算法来加快搜索速度。 If you don't need to support storing duplicates, you could store the numbers in a std::unordered_set directly.如果您不需要支持存储重复项,则可以将数字直接存储在std::unordered_set中。

I don't know what you need so I'll show how you can store them as they are listed in the file and then use a std::unordered_set when checking if numbers you search for exists.我不知道您需要什么,所以我将展示如何按照文件中列出的方式存储它们,然后在检查您搜索的数字是否存在时使用std::unordered_set

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>

// a helper to discard a certain character from an istream
template<char Char> struct eat {};

template<char Char>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, const eat<Char>&) {
    if(is.peek() == Char) is.ignore();
    else is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
    return is;
// struct to store data from file
struct foo {
    std::vector<int> b;
    // ...other members...

    // return the stored numbers as an unordered_set to make searching easy
    std::unordered_set<int> get_as_set() const {
        return {b.begin(), b.end()};

// read one `foo` from an istream:
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, foo& f) {
    std::string line;
    if(std::getline(is, line)) {
        std::istringstream iss(line);

        int number;
        while(iss >> number) {
            iss >> eat<','>{};
    return is;

// print one `foo` to an ostream:
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const foo& f) {
    auto it = f.b.begin();
    if(it != f.b.end()) {
        os << *it;
        for(++it; it != f.b.end(); ++it) {
            os << ',' << *it;
    return os;
int main() {
    // an example file:
    std::istringstream file{

    // read the file into a vector<foo>:
    std::vector<foo> a;
    foo tmp;
    while(file >> tmp) {

    // vector of nums to compare
    std::vector<int> c{7, 36, 14, 17, 22, 2};

    // find numbers in vector b that equal vector of struct foo(element x)
    for(const foo& f : a) {
        std::cout << f << '\n';  // print the `foo`
        auto s = f.get_as_set(); // get the numbers in `f` as a set

        for(int val : c) {
            // check if the set contains the values you search for:
            if(s.contains(val)) std::cout << val << " found\n";
            // s.contains(val) requires c++20 or greater, for earlier
            // versions, use `s.find(val) != s.end()`

Output: Output:

17 found
22 found
14 found
36 found
2 found
36 found
2 found
17 found
22 found
2 found
22 found
36 found
2 found
17 found
2 found


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