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如何在 Python 的 structlog 中为每条日志添加时间戳和日志级别?

[英]How to add a timestamp and loglevel to each log in Python's structlog?

How to configure structlog so it automatically adds loglevel and a timestamp (and maybe other fields) by default to each log message it logs?如何配置structlog以便它在默认情况下自动将日志logleveltimestamp (可能还有其他字段)添加到它记录的每条日志消息中? So I do not have to add it to every message explicitly.所以我不必将它明确地添加到每条消息中。

I am displaying my messages as JSON (for further processing with Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana).我将我的消息显示为 JSON(用于进一步处理 Fluentd、Elasticsearch 和 Kibana)。 loglevel is not (for some reason) included in the output JSON log. loglevel没有(出于某种原因)包含在 output JSON 日志中。

That is how I confiure my structlog .这就是我确认structlog的方式。


I am logging:我正在记录:

log.info("Artist saved", spotify_id=id)

Logs I am seeing (mind no time and no loglevel ):我看到的日志(不要介意time和日志loglevel ):

{"logger": "get_artists.py", "spotify_id": "4Y6z2aIww27vnxZz9xfG3S",  "event": "Artist saved"}

I found my answer here: Python add extra fields to structlog-based formatters within logging我在这里找到了答案: Python add extra fields to structlog-based formatters within logging

There are processors that are doing exactly what I needed:有些处理器正在做我需要的事情:

            structlog.processors.TimeStamper(fmt="iso", key="ts"),

Adding both, add_log_level and TimeStamper resulted, as expected in the extra fields in the log ..., "level": "info", "ts": "2022-04-17T19:21:56.426093Z"} .添加add_log_levelTimeStamper结果,正如在日志中的额外字段中预期的那样..., "level": "info", "ts": "2022-04-17T19:21:56.426093Z"}

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