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如何重新创建 Tailwind 背景过渡颜色?

[英]How to recreate Tailwind background transition-color?

I saw the special color on https://tailwindcss.com/docs/transition-property in dark mode Here's the pic我在黑暗模式下看到https://tailwindcss.com/docs/transition-property上的特殊颜色这是图片在此处输入图像描述

I want to know how can I recreate this?我想知道如何重新创建它? With gradient color or other css property?具有渐变色或其他 css 属性?

I tried to see how they did it by inspecting their css only found我试图通过检查他们的 css 来了解他们是如何做到的

--tw-bg-opacity: 1;
background-color: rgb(15 23 42/var(--tw-bg-opacity));

Which is only a background color.这只是一种背景颜色。

If you know how to do this, please let me know.如果您知道如何执行此操作,请告诉我。 Thanks!谢谢!

They implemented it by adding an image inside the body here is how they implemented it from the inspector他们通过在身体内部添加图像来实现它,这是他们如何从检查员那里实现它

Tailwind 如何实现它

and here is the link for the image they have used: https://tailwindcss.com/_next/static/media/docs-dark@30.77f062b5fd90f0d2cd4752cd9a8649c8.avif这是他们使用的图像的链接: https://tailwindcss.com/_next/static/media/docs-dark@30.77f062b5fd90f0d2cd4752cd9a8649c8.avif

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