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在 Firebase 云消息传递中,React 本机应用程序未通过 TOPIC 接收通知

[英]React native app not receiving notifications via TOPIC in Firebase cloud messaging

I have configured the react-native to the best of my knowledge using some documentations.据我所知,我已经使用一些文档配置了 react-native。 The react native app receives notifications properly when selecting the whole app as the target.But I am not able to get the same when sending via topics from the firebase console. The react native app receives notifications properly when selecting the whole app as the target.But I am not able to get the same when sending via topics from the firebase console. What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么? Thanks in advance提前致谢

Screen shot of receiving notification via app as target.通过作为目标的应用程序接收通知的屏幕截图。 [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/8huVS.png [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/8huVS.png


PushNotifHelper PushNotifHelper

    import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging';

    const TOPIC = 'patient-topic';

    export const requestUserPermission = async () => {
      //On ios,checking permission before sending and receiving messages
      const authStatus = await messaging().requestPermission();
      return (
        authStatus === messaging.AuthorizationStatus.AUTHORIZED ||
        authStatus === messaging.AuthorizationStatus.PROVISIONAL

    export const getFcmToken = () => {
      // Returns an FCM token for this device
        .then(fcmToken => {
          console.log('FCM Token -> ', fcmToken);

    export const receiveNotificationFromQuitState = () => {
        .then(async remoteMessage => {
          if (remoteMessage) {
              'getInitialNotification:' +
                'Notification caused app to open from quit state',

    export const receiveBackgroundNotification = () => {
      messaging().onNotificationOpenedApp(async remoteMessage => {
        if (remoteMessage) {
            'onNotificationOpenedApp: ' +
              'Notification caused app to open from background state',

    //stop listening for new messages.
    export const unsubscribeDeviceTopic = messaging().onMessage(
      async remoteMessage => {
        console.log('New notification arrived' + JSON.stringify(remoteMessage));

    export const backgroundThread = () => {
      //It's called when the app is in the background or terminated
      messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async remoteMessage => {
        console.log('Background notification' + JSON.stringify(remoteMessage));

    export const subscribeTopicToGetNotification = () => {
       * based on Topic, FCM server to send targeted
       * messages to only those devices subscribed to that topic
        .then(() => {
          console.log(`Topic: ${TOPIC} Suscribed`);

Initialising inside useEffect在 useEffect 中初始化

    useEffect(() => {
        async function setupPatientNotification() {
          if (await requestUserPermission()) {
          } else {
            console.log('Not Authorization status');
        return () => {
          // messaging().unsubscribeFromTopic(TOPIC);
      }, []);

I was facing the same issue on my side because I have a separate subscribed topic without waiting to retrieve a token from Firebase.我这边也面临同样的问题,因为我有一个单独的订阅主题,无需等待从 Firebase 检索令牌。

I think you need to move to subscribe topic after the system gets Fcm Token or after authorization notification permission.我觉得你需要在系统拿到Fcm Token后或者授权通知权限后,再去订阅topic。

This is an example of my code, now it works properly.这是我的代码示例,现在可以正常工作了。

useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      await createChannelId();
      const authorizationStatus = await requestUserPermission();
      await messaging().registerDeviceForRemoteMessages();
      if (authorizationStatus) {
        const fcmToken = await messaging().getToken();
        setItem(FCM_TOKEN, fcmToken);
  }, []);

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