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如何使用grpc c++ ClientAsyncReader<message> 对于服务器端流</message>

[英]How to use grpc c++ ClientAsyncReader<Message> for server side streams

I am using a very simple proto where the Message contains only 1 string field.我正在使用一个非常简单的原型,其中 Message 仅包含 1 个字符串字段。 Like so:像这样:

service LongLivedConnection {  
  // Starts a grpc connection
  rpc Connect(Connection) returns (stream Message) {}

message Connection{
  string userId = 1;

message Message{
  string serverMessage = 1;

The use case is that the client should connect to the server, and the server will use this grpc for push messages.用例是客户端应该连接到服务器,服务器将使用这个 grpc 来推送消息。

Now, for the client code, assuming that I am already in a worker thread, how do I properly set it up so that I can continuously receive messages that come from server at random times?现在,对于客户端代码,假设我已经在一个工作线程中,我该如何正确设置它以便我可以连续接收来自服务器的随机时间消息?

void StartConnection(const std::string& user) {
  Connection request;

  Message message;
  ClientContext context;

  stub_->Connect(&context, request, &reply);

  // What should I do from now on? 

  // notify(serverMessage);

void notify(std::string message) {
  // generate message events and pass to main event loop

I figured out how to used the api. Looks like it is pretty flexible, but still a little bit weird given that I typically just expect the async api to receive some kind of lambda callback.我想出了如何使用 api。看起来它非常灵活,但仍然有点奇怪,因为我通常只希望异步 api 接收某种 lambda 回调。

The code below is blocking, you'll have to run this in a different thread so it doesn't block your application.下面的代码是阻塞的,你必须在不同的线程中运行它,这样它就不会阻塞你的应用程序。

I believe you can have multiple thread accessing the CompletionQueue, but in my case I just had one single thread handling this grpc connection.我相信你可以有多个线程访问 CompletionQueue,但在我的例子中,我只有一个线程处理这个 grpc 连接。

GrpcConnection.h file:
void StartGrpcConnection();

std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> m_channel;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientReader<push_notifications::Message>> m_reader;
std::unique_ptr<push_notifications::PushNotificationService::Stub> m_stub;
GrpcConnection.cpp files:
void GrpcConnectionService::StartGrpcConnection()
    m_channel = grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
    LongLiveConnection::Connect request;
    m_stub = LongLiveConnection::LongLiveConnectionService::NewStub(m_channel);
    grpc::ClientContext context;
    grpc::CompletionQueue cq;
    std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReader<LongLiveConnection::Message>> reader =
            m_stub->PrepareAsyncConnect(&context, request, &cq);

    void* got_tag;
    bool ok = false;
    LongLiveConnection::Message reply;

    cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok);

    if (ok && got_tag == (void*)1)
        // startCall() is successful if ok is true, and got_tag is void*1

        // start the first read message with a different hardcoded tag
        reader->Read(&reply, (void*)2);

        while (true)
            ok = false;

            cq.Next(&got_tag, &ok);

            if (got_tag == (void*)2)
                // this is the message from server
                std::string body = reply.server_message();
                // do whatever you want with body, in my case i push it to my applications' event stream to be processed by other components
                // lastly, initialize another read
                reader->Read(&reply, (void*)2);
            else if (got_tag == (void*)3)
                 // if you do something else, such as listening to GRPC channel state change, in your call, you can pass a different hardcoded tag, then, in here, you will be notified when the result is received from that call.

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