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在 React 的 keyDown 上的 e.preventDefault() 之后不能使用任何键

[英]Can't use any key after e.preventDefault() on keyDown in React

I need to stop users from typing more than 4 digits in an input.我需要阻止用户在输入中输入超过 4 位数字。 Calling e.preventDefault() works fine with onKeyPress , but I don't want to use it because it's deprecated.调用e.preventDefault()可以与onKeyPress一起正常工作,但我不想使用它,因为它已被弃用。 Using onKeyDown works, but after calling e.preventDefault() , the user can't delete the text, that input is now "frozen".使用onKeyDown有效,但在调用e.preventDefault()之后,用户无法删除文本,该输入现在已“冻结”。 I understand that it's by design.我知道这是设计使然。 Is there a better way to stop the user from typing more than 4 digits but still to allow the deletion of the text?有没有更好的方法来阻止用户输入超过 4 位数字但仍然允许删除文本?

Have you attempted adding the maxLength="4" attribute to your input?您是否尝试过将maxLength="4"属性添加到您的输入中?

https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_maxlength.asp https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_maxlength.asp

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