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我们可以使用 CarrierWave gem 同时将文件上传到 AWS S3 和谷歌云存储吗?

[英]Can we upload files to AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage simultaneously using CarrierWave gem?

One of my Model's attachments needs to save files on AWS S3 and the other Model should save it to Google Cloud Storage .我模型的一个附件需要将文件保存在AWS S3上,另一个 Model 应该将其保存到Google Cloud Storage

Is this possible using CarrierWave gem?这可能使用 CarrierWave gem 吗?

I think you could, as per this wiki .根据这个 wiki ,我认为你可以。 Just configure 2 uploaders, each one for a different provider只需配置 2 个上传器,每个上传器用于不同的提供商

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