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如何找到特定回购的 Azure 构建项

[英]How to find Azure Build Items for a specific repo

I am trying to fetch the list of all build items in Azure, and using Postman the following URL shows me the result:我正在尝试获取 Azure 中所有构建项目的列表,并使用 Postman 以下 URL 向我显示结果:


But there is one problem, the query shows me the build for all our company projects whereas I am only intersted in one但是有一个问题,查询显示了我们所有公司项目的构建,而我只对一个感兴趣


The query returns for all projects, but I am only interested in build for Project B查询返回所有项目,但我只对项目 B 的构建感兴趣

How can I specify this information in the API?我如何在 API 中指定此信息? I tried the filters and it doesn't work.我尝试了过滤器,但它不起作用。 Also the same for tags标签也一样

If you take a look at the API Build List documentation , you can see the optional parameters that can be passed to this request如果您查看API Build List 文档,您可以看到可以传递给此请求的可选参数

In this case, you would want to filter on builds from the project B repository, which requires the repositoryType parameter to be passed as well.在这种情况下,您可能希望过滤来自项目 B 存储库的构建,这也需要传递 repositoryType 参数。 As such you'd be looking to call因此,您希望致电


Where the repoID can be found be going into project settings-->repository, clicking the project B repo and copying the value that appears in the website URL after repo=可以找到repoID的地方是进入项目设置-->存储库,点击项目B repo并复制repo =后网站URL中出现的值

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