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如何验证 AWS Cognito 中的用户属性?

[英]How can I verify a user attribute in AWS Cognito?

I'm trying to verify a user's email by calling the verifyAttribute method.我正在尝试通过调用verifyAttribute方法来验证用户的 email。

I am able to authenticate and get a JWT response - and with that I can do the following:我能够进行身份验证并获得 JWT 响应 - 并且我可以执行以下操作:

const { email, phone, accessToken } = verifyUserAttributesDto;
const getUser = await CognitoService.getUser(accessToken);
const attributes = getUser.UserAttributes.reduce(
  (acc, { Name, Value }) => ({ ...acc, [Name]: Value }),



  sub: '5f04a73b-...',
  email_verified: 'false',
  phone_number_verified: 'false',
  phone_number: '+12222222222',
  given_name: 'First',
  family_name: 'Last',
  email: 'example@email.com'

So I know I'm able to access the user.所以我知道我能够访问用户。

Later I do:后来我这样做:

const cognitoUser = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUser({
      Username: attributes.email,
      Pool: this.userPool,


CognitoUser {
  username: 'example@email.com',
  pool: CognitoUserPool {

I believe I have an instance of a CognitoUser here, but maybe I don't;我相信我在这里有一个CognitoUser的实例,但也许我没有; maybe that's the problem.也许这就是问题所在。

If I do:如果我做:

return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    return cognitoUser.verifyAttribute(attribute, accessToken, {
        onSuccess: (success) => {
        onFailure: (err) => {

The response I get back is:我得到的回复是:

ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] User is not authenticated错误 [ExceptionsHandler] 用户未通过身份验证

I have verified in the AWS console that the confirmation status for the user is confirmed and the account status is enabled .我已经在 AWS 控制台中验证了用户的确认状态为confirmed并且账户状态为enabled

If I've got a valid JWT, and am able to "get" the user, why am I getting that error?如果我有一个有效的 JWT,并且能够“获取”用户,为什么我会收到该错误?

It's painfully obvious I'm not sure what I'm doing.很明显我不确定自己在做什么。 I got this working due to:由于以下原因,我得到了这个工作:

  1. I wasn't providing the verification code我没有提供验证码
  2. I was using the wrong identity provider (cognito vs. cognito user)我使用了错误的身份提供者(cognito 与 cognito 用户)

There are two methods needed to verify:验证需要两种方法:

  • getUserAttributeVerificationCode
  • verifyUserAttribute
async getUserAttributeVerificationCode(
    attribute: string,
    accessTokenDto: AccessTokenDto,
  ) {
    const { accessToken } = accessTokenDto;

    const cognito = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();

    try {
      return await cognito
          AccessToken: accessToken,
          AttributeName: attribute,
    } catch (err) {
      throw new BadRequestException(err.message);
async verifyUserAttribute(verifyUserAttributesDto: VerifyUserAttributesDto) {
    const { email, phone, accessToken, verificationCode } =

    const cognito = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();

    try {
      if (email || phone) {
        const attribute = email ? 'email' : 'phone';

        return await cognito
            AccessToken: accessToken,
            AttributeName: attribute,
            Code: verificationCode,
    } catch (err) {
      throw new BadRequestException(err.message);

You'll first need to call getUserAttributeVerificationCode with a valid JWT. You'll then get sent a verification code (email/sms).您首先需要使用有效的 JWT 调用getUserAttributeVerificationCode 。然后您将收到一个验证码(电子邮件/短信)。

With that, you'll call verifyUserAttribute with all of the proper attributes.这样,您将使用所有适当的属性调用verifyUserAttribute

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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