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[英]Refactoring : delegate friendship in sub-functions

I refactor a code where a class has a friend function doing a lot of stuff.我重构了一个代码,其中 class 有一个朋友 function 做了很多事情。

class Foo
  friend void do_something(Foo& foo);

void do_something(Foo& foo)
  // More than 2000 lines of ugly code

I would like to split the content of do_something in several small functions.我想将do_something的内容拆分成几个小函数。 Something looking like this:看起来像这样的东西:

void do_something(Foo& foo)
  if(case_1) do_1(foo);
  else if(case_2) do_2(foo);
  else if(case_3) do_3(foo);

Is there a design where I can transfert the friendship to the sub-fuctions do_x(Foo&) without having to declare them in the class, or something similar in order to split the code?有没有一种设计可以将友谊转移到子功能do_x(Foo&)而不必在 class 或类似的东西中声明它们来拆分代码?

Note: C++11 only注:仅限C++11

Note: I don't want to write the sub-functions as maccros注意:我不想把子函数写成宏

Instead of having do_something as function calling other sub-functions, I would suggest you to create an analogous class DoSomehting .我建议您创建一个类似的 class DoSomehting ,而不是将do_something作为 function 调用其他子函数。

Then you could declare this class as a friend with friend class DoSomehting;然后你可以将这个 class 声明为friend class DoSomehting; . . So these sub-functions could be its private methods.所以这些子函数可以是它的私有方法。 The method to call -- could be a public method named eg like void DoSomehting::process(Foo& foo) :调用的方法 -- 可以是一个名为void DoSomehting::process(Foo& foo)的公共方法:

class Foo
  friend class DoSomething;

class DoSomething
    void process(Foo& foo)
        if(case_1) do_1(foo);
        else if(case_2) do_2(foo);
        else if(case_3) do_3(foo);

    void do_1(Foo& foo);
    void do_2(Foo& foo);
    void do_3(Foo& foo);

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