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存储到 memory - BCD 还是二进制?

[英]Storing to memory - BCD or binary?

If an X86_64 machine save a integer 56 will that be stored in the memory cells as binary 00111000 or BCD 01010110 ?如果一台 X86_64 机器保存一个 integer 56 ,它会作为二进制00111000还是BCD 01010110存储在 memory 单元格中?

Almost always stored in pure binary (unsigned or 2's complement).几乎总是以纯二进制形式存储(无符号或 2 的补码)。 Your program would have to do something special to store it in BCD, and very few programs have any reason to do that.您的程序必须做一些特殊的事情才能将其存储在 BCD 中,而且很少有程序有任何理由这样做。

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