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Powershell:Unix 的 col 命令相当于清理 output?

[英]Powershell: Unix' col command equivalent to clean up output?

What would be a way to remove temporary output from piped Out-File in Powershell?从 Powershell 中的管道Out-File中删除临时 output 的方法是什么?

For example, if I run something like:例如,如果我运行类似的东西:

command.exe | Out-File log.txt

if a command showed a changing progress bar in terminal:如果命令在终端中显示不断变化的进度条:

Progress [====================================>                          ]  58%

then the captured output in file log.txt shows something like this:然后在文件log.txt中捕获的 output 显示如下:

Progress [=>                          ]  0
Progress [====>                          ]  5
Progress [========>                          ]  10

I want it to look in file the same as it shown in terminal.我希望它在文件中的外观与终端中显示的一样。

I'm looking for pretty much the col command equivalent from Unix as described in this question for Bash.我正在寻找与 Unix 相当的col命令,如 Bash 的这个问题中所述。

If you have WSL installed, you could try command.exe | wsl.exe col -b > log.txt如果你安装了 WSL,你可以试试command.exe | wsl.exe col -b > log.txt command.exe | wsl.exe col -b > log.txt

Otherwise, as a suboptimal ad hoc solution, you could try to filter out the unwanted lines by matching their content:否则,作为次优的临时解决方案,您可以尝试通过匹配内容来过滤掉不需要的行:

@(command.exe) -notmatch '^Progress \[' | Out-File log.txt

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