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致命错误:未捕获的错误:在第 58 行调用 bool 上的成员函数 format()

[英]Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function format() on bool on line 58

I must retrieve data from a CSV file and to show the month and year from a date written in string format.I run the code and it shows the A non well formed numeric value encountered error.I also tried other ways to convert the date and I get the year 1900 for each date.我必须从 CSV 文件中检索数据并显示以字符串格式编写的日期的月份和年份。我运行代码,它显示 A non well-formed numeric value烬遇到错误。我还尝试了其他方法来转换日期和我得到每个日期的 1900 年。

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;


 $file = $_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"];
 $file_open = fopen($file,"r");
$reader = new \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Csv();
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($file);
$sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->toArray();
 foreach ($sheetData as $i=>$Row)
        foreach($Row as $j=>$column)
            // echo $Row[$j].", ";
            if($i == 0)
            if($Row[$j] == "Codice cliente")
                $column1 = $j;
            if($Row[$j] == "Data emissione")
                $column2 = $j;
                // echo $j;

foreach ($sheetData as $i=>$row)



I guess this is the offending line in your code;我想这是您代码中的违规行; it's the only line using a ->format() method.这是唯一使用->format()方法的行。


Let's try breaking it into multiple lines so it's readable.让我们试着把它分成多行以便它可读。

$excelDatestamp = $row[$column2];
$dto = \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date::excelToDateTimeObject( $excelDatestamp ); 
$year = $dto->format( 'Y' );
json_encode( $year );

It seems likely to me that the $excelDatestamp generated by this refactoring of your code is malformed.在我看来,由您的代码重构生成的$excelDatestamp很可能是格式错误的。 That makes ::excelToDateTimeObject() return false , letting you know you have an error.这使得::excelToDateTimeObject()返回false ,让您知道您有错误。 Then you try to invoke the format method like this (false)->format( 'Y' ) .然后你尝试像这样调用格式方法(false)->format( 'Y' ) That's why php threw the error message you showed us.这就是 php 抛出您向我们展示的错误消息的原因。

And, you don't do anything with the output of json_encode() so even if everything worked it would get lost.而且,您不会对json_encode()的输出做任何事情,所以即使一切正常,它也会丢失。


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