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如何从 WinUI/UWP 应用程序打开特定应用程序的设置

[英]How to open a particular app's setting from WinUI/UWP application

It is possible to open the Settings App programmatically , there are lot of options but it does not provide details about how to open a setting for a particular app.可以以编程方式打开设置应用程序,有很多选项,但它没有提供有关如何打开特定应用程序设置的详细信息。

I have also seen that we can open a particular app's settings from start menu.我还看到我们可以从开始菜单打开特定应用程序的设置。 This may mean we can also programmatically open a particular app's settings page.这可能意味着我们还可以以编程方式打开特定应用程序的设置页面。

Any help would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。

** UPDATE ** ** 更新 **

Setting option as in start menu在开始菜单中设置选项在此处输入图像描述

App's setting page, as provided by the OS App的设置页面,由操作系统提供在此处输入图像描述

there are lot of options but it does not provide details about how to open a setting for a particular app.有很多选项,但它没有提供有关如何打开特定应用程序设置的详细信息。

You need register launch uri for particular app, and you can get parameter in target app's onactive method.您需要为特定应用程序注册启动 uri,并且您可以在目标应用程序的 onactive 方法中获取参数。 For example testapp:setting , you could get setting string from parameter.例如testapp:setting ,您可以从参数中获取setting字符串。

Then call navigate method to setting page base base on the received parameter.然后调用 navigate 方法根据接收到的参数设置页面基础。 For more info please refer to Handle URI activation .有关详细信息,请参阅处理 URI 激活

And the other way is build jump list for the app.另一种方法是为应用程序构建跳转列表 The jump list is a system-provided menu that appears when the user right-clicks a program in the taskbar or on the Start menu.跳转列表是系统提供的菜单,当用户右键单击任务栏或“开始”菜单上的程序时会出现该菜单。

var jumpList = await Windows.UI.StartScreen.JumpList.LoadCurrentAsync();

// Disable the system-managed jump list group.
jumpList.SystemGroupKind = Windows.UI.StartScreen.JumpListSystemGroupKind.None;

var taskItem = JumpListItem.CreateWithArguments(
              "/Setting", "Setting");

// Set the description. (Optional.)
taskItem.Description = "Compose a new message to " + "Nico";

// Set the logo for this jump list item. Must be ms-appx: or ms-appdata:.
taskItem.Logo = new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/StoreLogo.png");

// Remove any previously added custom jump list items.

// Save the changes to the app's jump list.
await jumpList.SaveAsync();

And you could process launch parameter.您可以处理启动参数。

protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Kind == ActivationKind.Launch && e.Arguments == "/Setting")
        // navigate to setting page.


You could use ms-settings:appsfeatures-app to open current app's setting page with launcher in code behind.您可以使用ms-settings:appsfeatures-app打开当前应用程序的设置页面,并在代码中隐藏启动器。 But it could not use to open other app's setting content.但是不能用来打开其他应用的设置内容。

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