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如何在 systemd 中设置 LD_PRELOAD

[英]How to set LD_PRELOAD in systemd

I want to hook some functions in libssl with LD_PRELOAD in systemd.我想用 systemd 中的LD_PRELOAD挂钩 libssl 中的一些函数。

In systemd file I put在我放的systemd文件中


and in /etc/myscript.sh I put在 /etc/myscript.sh 我把

LD_PRELOAD=/lib/inject_libssl.so /bin/run

When I look at /proc/RUN_PID/maps I can see that inject_libssl.so is realy injected to the process but the original libssl.so is loaded before the the injected library, so my hook doesn't work.当我查看/proc/RUN_PID/maps时,我可以看到 inject_libssl.so 确实注入了进程,但原始 libssl.so 在注入库之前加载,所以我的钩子不起作用。

I olso tried我也试过


But I got the same results.但我得到了相同的结果。

If I run LD_PRELOAD=/lib/inject_libssl.so curl https://google.com the injected libssl works well.如果我运行LD_PRELOAD=/lib/inject_libssl.so curl https://google.com注入的 libssl 运行良好。

Why is that please?请问这是为什么?

Can you try this script to see which one will be loaded?你能试试这个脚本看看会加载哪个吗?

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so /tmp/inject_libssl.so
LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/inject_libssl.so /bin/run

Can you also try to put your.so in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ?您也可以尝试将 your.so 放入/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu吗?

The reason is probably that systemd runs your script / binary in set-user-ID mode.原因可能是systemd在 set-user-ID 模式下运行您的脚本/二进制文件。 According to the dynamic linker documentation , LD_PRELOAD support is limited then:根据动态 linker 文档LD_PRELOAD支持是有限的:

For set-user-ID/set-group-ID ELF binaries, preload pathnames containing slashes are ignored, and libraries in the standard search directories are loaded only if the set-user-ID permission bit is enabled on the library file.对于 set-user-ID/set-group-ID ELF 二进制文件,包含斜杠的预加载路径名将被忽略,并且只有在库文件上启用了 set-user-ID 权限位时才会加载标准搜索目录中的库。

So you need to copy your library to the proper place and provide the permission accordingly.所以你需要将你的库复制到正确的地方并提供相应的权限。 You might be able to work around this with a specific User= setting or by using a wrapper.您可以使用特定的User=设置或使用包装器来解决此问题。

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