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Google Play Billing Unity 插件替代品

[英]Google Play Billing Unity plugin alternative

I'm new to Unity IAP.我是 Unity IAP 的新手。 When looking for a way to integrate Google Play IAP into a unity project, I found the "Use the Google Play Billing Library with Unity" documentation which states:在寻找将 Google Play IAP 集成到统一项目中的方法时,我找到了“使用 Unity 使用 Google Play 计费库”文档,其中指出:

The Google Play Billing Unity plugin will not be receiving updates moving forward. Google Play Billing Unity 插件今后将不会收到更新。 This means that the plugin will remain specific to Google Play Billing Library 3. Additionally, any apps that are updated after November 1, 2022 will no longer be able to use the plugin.这意味着该插件将始终特定于 Google Play Billing Library 3。此外,任何在 2022 年 11 月 1 日之后更新的应用都将无法再使用该插件。

Does Google provide an alternative?谷歌提供替代方案吗? Or should I just use Unity's IAP integration directly instead?还是我应该直接使用Unity 的 IAP 集成

I came across the same text just now.我刚才遇到了同样的文字。 I believe you are correct in your assumption that Unity IAP is the correct replacement for this, since according to their documentation UnityIAPGooglePlay the current version of this plugin already uses Google Play Billing v4, which is the minimum required version starting Nov 1.我相信你的假设是正确的,因为根据他们的文档UnityIAPGooglePlay ,这个插件的当前版本已经使用了 Google Play Billing v4,这是从 11 月 1 日开始的最低要求版本。

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