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使用 AWS SDK (S3.putObject) 上传一个 Readable stream 到 S3 (node.js)

[英]Using AWS SDK (S3.putObject) to upload a Readable stream to S3 (node.js)

My goal is to upload a Readable stream to S3.我的目标是将Readable的 stream 上传到 S3。

The problem is that AWS api seems to accept only a ReadStream as a stream argument.问题是 AWS api 似乎只接受ReadStream作为 stream 参数。

For instance, the following snippet works just fine:例如,以下代码片段工作正常:

const readStream = fs.createReadStream("./file.txt") // a ReadStream

await s3.putObject({
    Bucket: this.bucket,
    Key: this.key,
    Body: readStream,
    ACL: "bucket-owner-full-control"

Problem starts when I try to do the same with a Readable ( ReadStream extends stream.Readable ).当我尝试对ReadableReadStream extends stream.Readable )执行相同操作时,问题就开始了。

The following snippet fails以下代码段失败

const { Readable } = require("stream")
const readable = Readable.from("data data data data") // a Readable

await s3.putObject({
    Bucket: this.bucket,
    Key: this.key,
    Body: readable,
    ACL: "bucket-owner-full-control"

the error I get from AWS sdk is: NotImplemented: A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented我从 AWS sdk 得到的错误是: NotImplemented: A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented

*** Note that I prefer a Readable rather than a ReadStream since I'd like to allow passing streams that are not necessarily originated from a file - an in-memory string for instance. *** 请注意,我更喜欢Readable而不是ReadStream ,因为我希望允许传递不一定源自文件的流 - 例如内存中的字符串。 So a possible solution could be converting a Readable to a Readstream to work with the SDK.因此,一种可能的解决方案是将Readable转换为Readstream以与 SDK 一起使用。

Any help will be much appreciated!任何帮助都感激不尽!

Given the Readable is no longer a file that has metadata such as MIME type and content length you'd need to update your putObject to include those values:鉴于Readable不再是具有元数据(例如 MIME 类型和内容长度)的文件,您需要更新putObject以包含这些值:

const { Readable } = require("stream")
const readable = Readable.from("data data data data") // a Readable

await s3.putObject({
    Bucket: this.bucket,
    Key: this.key,
    Body: readable,
    ACL: "bucket-owner-full-control",
    ContentType: "text/plain",
    ContentLength: 42 // calculate length of buffer

Hopefully that helps!希望这有帮助!

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