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寻找最大的质因数? (不能大量使用吗?)

[英]Finding the largest prime factor? (Doesn't work in large number?)

I am a beginner in C++, and I just finished reading chapter 1 of the C++ Primer.我是C++的初学者,刚看完C++ Primer的第一章。 So I try the problem of computing the largest prime factor, and I find out that my program works well up to a number of sizes 10e9 but fails after that eg600851475143 as it always returns a wired number eg2147483647 when I feed any large number into it.因此,我尝试计算最大质因数的问题,我发现我的程序在大小为 10e9 的情况下运行良好,但在 eg600851475143 之后失败,因为当我将任何大数输入其中时,它总是返回一个有线数字 eg2147483647。 I know a similar question has been asked many times, I just wonder why this could happen to me.我知道类似的问题已经被问过很多次,我只是想知道为什么这会发生在我身上。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

PS I guess the reason has to do with some part of my program that is not capable to handle some large number. PS 我想原因与我的程序的某些部分有关,该部分无法处理大量数据。

#include <iostream>

int main()
    int val = 0, temp = 0;
    std::cout << "Please enter: " << std::endl;
    std::cin >> val;
    for (int num = 0; num != 1; val = num){
        num = val/2;
        temp = val;
        while (val%num != 0)
    std::cout << temp << std::endl;
    return 0;

Your int type is 32 bits (like on most systems).您的int类型是 32 位(就像在大多数系统上一样)。 The largest value a two's complement signed 32 bit value can store is 2 ** 31 - 1 , or 2147483647. Take a look at man limits.h if you want to know the constants defining the limits of your types, and/or use larger types (eg unsigned would double your range at basically no cost, uint64_t from stdint.h / inttypes.h would expand it by a factor of 8.4 billion and only cost something meaningful on 32 bit systems).带符号的 32 位二进制补码值可以存储的最大值是2 ** 31 - 1或 2147483647。如果您想知道定义类型限制的常量和/或使用更大的常量,请查看man limits.h类型(例如, unsigned基本上可以免费将范围扩大一倍, stdint.h / inttypes.h中的uint64_t会将其扩展 84 亿倍,并且仅在 32 位系统上花费一些有意义的东西)。

2147483647 isn't a wired number its INT_MAX which is defined in climits header file. 2147483647不是有线号码,它的INT_MAXclimits header 文件中定义。 This happens when you reach maximum capacity of an int .当您达到int的最大容量时,就会发生这种情况。

You can use a bigger data type such as std::size_t or unsigned long long int , for that purpose, which have a maximum value of 18446744073709551615 .为此,您可以使用更大的数据类型,例如std::size_tunsigned long long int ,它们的最大值为18446744073709551615

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