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如何延长 bot 框架作曲家的超时时间?

[英]how to extend the timeout in bot framework composer?

how to extend the external request (https) timeout in bot framework composer?如何在 bot 框架作曲家中延长外部请求 (https) 超时?

I want to extend the timeout of the https request so that the bot waits till that and respond me with the output.. for every first call it is failing for me我想延长 https 请求的超时时间,以便机器人等到那个时间,然后用 output 响应我。对于我来说,每次第一次调用都会失败

Where are you seeing these timeouts?你在哪里看到这些超时? I assuming this may be in an http call and you are reffering to the 15 second timeout that happens when using Directline (WebChat, etc).我假设这可能是在 http 呼叫中,您指的是使用 Directline(WebChat 等)时发生的 15 秒超时。 If so, your best option is to use proactive messages.如果是这样,您最好的选择是使用主动消息。 It's best practice to use proactive messages for any possibility of a long running process (calls to other APIs, etc) even if it might be just under.最好的做法是对长时间运行的进程(调用其他 API 等)的任何可能性使用主动消息,即使它可能就在下面。 Please see here for more info: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-howto-long-operations-guidance?view=azure-bot-service-4.0请参阅此处了解更多信息: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/bot-builder-howto-long-operations-guidance?view=azure-bot-service-4.0

There is also the experimental ImmediateAcceptAdapter (which essentially turns everything into a proactive message): https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/main/experimental/immediate-accept-adapter/csharp_do.netcore还有实验性的 ImmediateAcceptAdapter(基本上将所有内容都变成主动消息): https://github.com/microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/main/experimental/immediate-accept-adapter/csharp_do.netcore

You would need to customize and modify the bot runtime.您需要自定义和修改机器人运行时。

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