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打印 ls 的 output | wc -l 在包含两列的 txt 文件中

[英]printing output of ls | wc -l in a txt file with two columns

I have many directories with different number of CSV files in each of them.我有很多目录,每个目录中都有不同数量的 CSV 个文件。 I am interested in getting a list of those directories with a their respective number of CSV files.我有兴趣获取这些目录的列表,它们各自包含 CSV 个文件。 So I have this bash loop.所以我有这个 bash 循环。

 for i in 21 22 23
ls my/directory/name$i/*csv | wc -l

The question is, how do I get a txt file with an output like this? 问题是,我如何获得一个像这样的 output 的 txt 文件?
 name21 3名字21 3
name22 5名字22 5
name23 2名字23 2

Where the 1st column corresponds to the name of each directory and the second one corresponds to the number of CSV files in each directory. 其中第一列对应每个目录的名称,第二列对应每个目录中CSV个文件的数量。

You can echo the names and results of your command to output.txt :您可以将命令的名称和结果回显到output.txt

for i in 21 22 23
   echo name$i  $(ls my/directory/name$i/*csv | wc -l)
 done > output.txt

https://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs explains a number of scenarios where using ls and parsing its output will produce wrong or unexpected results. https://mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs解释了许多使用ls并解析其 output 会产生错误或意外结果的场景。 You are much better off eg using an array and counting the number of elements in it.例如,使用数组并计算其中元素的数量会更好。

for i in 21 22 23; do
   files=( my/directory/name$i/*csv )
   echo "name$i ${#files[@]}"
done >output.txt

Perhaps also notice the redirection after done , which avoids opening and closing the same file repeatedly inside the loop.也许还注意到done之后的重定向,这避免了在循环内重复打开和关闭同一个文件。

If you want to be portable to POSIX sh which doesn't have arrays, try a function.如果你想移植到没有 arrays 的 POSIX sh ,试试 function。

count () {
    echo "$#"

for i in 21 22 23; do
    echo "name$i $(count my/directory/name$i/*csv)"
done >output.txt

For a robustness test, try creating files with problematic names like对于稳健性测试,请尝试创建名称有问题的文件,例如

touch my/directory/name21/"file name
with newline".csv my/directory/name22/'*'.csv

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